No-Code TikAPI Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Legally scrape TikAPI data from the Official API for 100% accurate & legal downloads.

🚫 This means no wasting time with broken screen scrapers, installing software, getting blocked or overpriced proxies.

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Sign Up to Scrape Data from TikAPI

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated April 13, 2024

Scraping TikAPI

TikAPI is a full-fledged TikTok Unofficial API for TikTok that allows anyone to scrape public data from TikTok via their API. The API also has plenty of cool “write” features, allowing you to manage your own TikTok account, but this webpage only contains integrations focused on scraping public data from TikAPI.

We were able to obtain an API Key from TikAPI to test their service out and create the integrations on this page - thank you TikAPI!

Is it Legit?

We can verify that everything on TikAPI’s Public Endpoints section works as advertised, and by using their service in conjunction with ours, you can scrape 1,000s of influencers, posts & music information from TikTok. Just sign up with TikAPI for a free trial and you can scrape TikTok Data directly from TikAPI, or use our service to collect bulk CSV files from TikAPI without writing code.

IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE EVERYONE MUST READ: We assume that all public data scraped from TikAPI (an unaffiliated party not associated with Stevesie, LLC) was obtained manually and/or in compliance with TikTok’s Terms of Service, making any use of TikAPI’s service for collecting public data not a breach of TikTok’s Terms of Service.

Getting Started

You can browse the API endpoints section of this page (when logged in to your Stevesie Account) and execute them to get data out of TikAPI or check out the large links on top of our TikTok Scraper page, which provide more easy-to-use forms to get started. E.g. you may want to start by scraping TikTok videos by search results, as that’s an easy starting point.

Please note you will need to provide your TikAPI Key to our service as we only wrap around their API and do not resell or provide their data in any way, nor do we maintain any affiliation with TikAPI.

⚡️ TikAPI Data API Endpoints

User Details & Follower Count
Music Details & Video Count
Hashtag Posts
Video Comments
Music Posts
API Key Info
Trending Posts
User Posts
Video Details & Play Count

Sign Up to Scrape Data from TikAPI