Download Music Catalog Data from iHeartRadio
Legally scrape data from the iHeartRadio music catalog using HAR files instead of directly scraping from the site, which likely violates the iHheart Terms of Service. Our approach instead lets you record your web traffic while interacting with iHeartRadio’s website (while you obey their Terms of Service) and scrape data from the recording instead of the website, so it’s not governed under iHeart’s Terms of Service.
1. Browse iHeart Data
Simply use the iHeart Search Feature or navigate to a page like an artist page while recording your web traffic using the instructions on this page.
You’ll then want to right click on the page to open up developer tools (which will record web traffic), then refresh the page to reload iHeart data into your browser. Scroll around some more to capture more data as needed, then go to the “Network” tab in developer tools and click the down arrow labeled “Export HAR…” to download a HAR file with the iHeart data in it.
2. Extract from HAR Files
Upload the HAR file to the HAR File Web Scraper and then look for the group with the relevant data in it. Click “Parse Group” there and you’ll then be able to download the captured data as CSV files.