No-Code SeatGeek API Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Legally scrape SeatGeek data from the Official Website without violating its Terms of Service using HAR Files.

🚫 This means no wasting time with broken screen scrapers, installing software, getting blocked or overpriced proxies.

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Or Contact Us for expert help working with SeatGeek data.

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated April 4, 2024

Scraping Event Venue Data

Seatgeek is a popular website to buy tickets and hosts a lot of valuable data regarding event venues and individual demand for specific events - even prices down to the seat! This data can be very valuable for anyone in the event promotion industry, looking to do direct outreach to venues or perhaps just trying to perform some competitive research.

Although Seatgeek doesn’t offer an easy way to extract this data out, we have a totally legal way for you to scrape any type of interactive data (e.g. search results, tickets map, etc…) from their website without violating their Terms of Service as our scraping works on a recording of your web traffic instead of the actual SeatGeek website.

1. Browse Ticket & Show Data

Head to the SeatGeek Browse & Search Feature and jump to any search, category, venue, etc… you’re interested in scraping the data for. Then right click on the page and hit “Inspect” to open up developer tools, which will begin recording your web traffic. Now refresh the page to force SeatGeek to reload its data into your browser while you’re recording.

Scroll around or through the data you’d like to extract, hitting the next button as needed. As you browse through the site’s data, it is being recorded and captured in your browser.

2. Export & Download

Once you’re done browsing through SeatGeek, go to the “Network” tab in your browser’s developer tools and click the “Export HAR…” down arrow to download a HAR file containing all of the raw SeatGeek data. Upload that file to the HAR File Web Scraper and look for the parse group containing the SeatGeek data you were browsing through. Click “Parse Group” and you’ll then see downloadable collections you can save to your computer and open in Excel or your spreadsheet program of choice.

Sign Up to Scrape Data from SeatGeek

Or Contact Us for expert help working with SeatGeek data.