Facebook Ads Library

No-Code Facebook Ads Library API Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Legally scrape Facebook Ads Library data from the Official Website without violating its Terms of Service using HAR Files.

🚫 This means no wasting time with broken screen scrapers, installing software, getting blocked or overpriced proxies.

Click to Play Click to Play

⚡️ Scrape Facebook Ads Library Data From Your Web Traffic

  1. Open a new browser tab, then right click anywhere inside the new tab & hit "Inspect" to open developer tools
  2. Go to facebook.com/ads/library in the new tab and browse through the site's data you want to collect (with developer tools open)
  3. Select the "Network" tab under developer tools & click the ⬇️ labeled "Export HAR..."
Upload your HAR file here and we will group together useful data within your HAR file FOR FREE. Users on any paid plan can download this data as combined, fully-paginated CSV & JSON files. Since this scraping occurs on a recording of your web traffic instead of the actual site, it is 100% undetectable & not governed by the hosting website's Terms of Service.

🔒 HAR Files Have Sensitive Data We only process the HAR file in your browser (nothing is sent over the internet) until you click the "Parse" button.

🚫 Clear the Junk Hit "Clear" in the Network tab just before browsing through your data for best results & for exporting multiple parts.

💡 Pro Tip Just drag and drop your HAR file here for easier use!

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated Feb. 4, 2025

Scraping the Facebook Ads Library API

Scrape Facebook Ads Library data legally without violating Meta’s Terms of Service using a little-known technique involving web scraping with HAR files with our Facebook Ads scraper.

Click to Play Click to Play

This can be very useful if you need to Download Videos from the Facebook Ads Library for competitive research or just “borrow” some creative inspiration from the social media platform.

Scrape Any Facebook Page's AdsScrape Any Facebook Page's Ads

You’ll be able to download the public ad creatives, videos & landing pages for any Facebook advertiser without waiting to be approved for the extremely limited Facebook Ads Library API, which is limited to only political advertising, requires you to manually be approved for an API key and is useless for most Facebook and Instagram advertisers.

This Facebook data can save you thousands of dollars in wasted ad spend by understanding what messages are working for your competitors (if the same ad has been running for a long time, it’s probably working) and see exactly which landing page URLs they are directing traffic to.

1. Browse Facebook Ads

Go to the Facebook Ads Library (or Meta Ads Library) to access the Ad Library search feature. Before we continue, we need to record our web traffic so we capture the raw data that Facebook sends to our web browser before loading in the first page of results.

On your web browser (we’ll assume you’re using Google Chrome, but these instructions should be similar for any browser), right click anywhere on the page and hit Inspect to open up developer tools (this will allow you to record your web traffic with the Facebook Ads data in it). You can then click on the “Network” tab to see your web traffic with the data in it.

Open Developer Tools on Facebook Ads ResultsOpen Developer Tools on Facebook Ads Results

Now that developer tools are open, we’re “recording” the raw data that Facebook sends back to our browser that we want to scrape. This is the key reason our approach is totally legal, as we scrape the data from your recording instead of the actual Facebook website.

Now that we’re recording web traffic, use the “Search Ads” form to find ads you’re interested in scraping data about. Unlike using the Facebook Ad Library API, you can select from any ad category, not just political ads:

Facebook Ad Library SearchFacebook Ad Library Search

To narrow down your search even more, you can apply filters (look for the button on the upper right part of the page). Review and apply the filters that make sense for you, then the results will reload.

Apply Filters if NeededApply Filters if Needed

Now you can navigate to the actual page or results you want to scrape and begin to scroll down and you’ll see in your browser’s “Network Tab” Facebook send more and more data we’re recording.

Web Traffic Recording of GraphQL EndpointsWeb Traffic Recording of GraphQL Endpoints

2. Export a HAR File

Once you’re done scrolling, look for a download arrow in your browser’s developer tools (Network Tab) that’s labeled something along the lines of “Export HAR…” Click this and save the HAR file somewhere you can access quickly, like your Desktop:

Click Export HAR FileClick Export HAR File

Now that we have the data inside this large file, the trick is to get the data out of this file. For this, we suggest using our HAR File Web Scraper where you can upload the file here, and the software will parse everything out for you and group together all the different requests with the Facebook Ads data in it:

Combined Facebook Ads Library DataCombined Facebook Ads Library Data

3. Download Ads Data

You can click the disk icon next to the individual requests and download the raw JSON for each individual request for free. However, if you have a budget then you may want to consider using the “Parse” feature of the HAR File Web Scraper.

If you click the “Parse Group” button on the top of the grouped responses, you’ll see combined results of all the ads you scrolled through. For example, the first collection shows the 193 ads we scrolled through in a single table we can download as a CSV file:

Ad Copy & Page StatsAd Copy & Page Stats

You’ll also see other features of the ads in the extracted data, like Facebook page name & ID, call out extensions & image URLs you can download:

Additional Ad FieldsAdditional Ad Fields

You can explore more collections to get even more data back - like seeing the exact date and time the ad was created (long-running ads are a sign that the ad works). Unfortunately though the raw stats for these ads aren’t included in the response and this data is better suited for helping to understand the creative landscape of the market you’re advertising in.

Scraping Multiple Pages

Please note that it’s very important we begin recording network traffic before using the search form on the Facebook Ads Library as if we navigate to a company’s Facebook Ads Library page directly (without using the search form), the first page of results will be sent as HTML (instead of JSON), and the HAR file will not be able to capture the structured data.

So if you need to scrape multiple Facebook Ads Library pages, you’ll need to navigate to the Facebook Ads Library for each page you’d like to export, initiate a recording, and then navigate to the target page so Facebook sends the JSON data to your browser.

Downloading Videos

If you want to know how to download video from Facebook Ads library, we’ll walk through an additional collection you can look for in the HAR File Web scraper that will contain links to the image previews and full HD versions of the videos used in ads, so you can download video ads locally for your own analysis & discussion.

Look for the Collection Ending in VideosLook for the Collection Ending in Videos

Simply look for the collection(s) ending in “Videos” and click the “Download CSV” button. The result will contain references to the parent ads on the right side of the CSV file, this way you not only have a link to download the videos, but also a reference to the parent ad objects and metadata:

Expanded Video Ad CSV DownloadExpanded Video Ad CSV Download

Why Scrape Facebook Ads?

If you’re running social media ads on Facebook & Instagram (or an ad agency looking to Find Clients for Your SMMA), a crucial component for success is understanding what ads are working for your competitors and similar advertisers who are reaching your target audience.

This can save you thousands of dollars in wasted ad spend and will also help you understand how to position your messaging to stand out from your competitors ads and the hundreds of other active ads your audience sees.

Sign Up to Scrape Data from Facebook Ads Library