Download Shows & Ticket Data
If you need show & ticket information, then TodayTix may be a good source to get this data from, and we can legally scrape this data without violating the TodayTix Terms of Service using a little-known technique involving HAR files. These allow us to record the data that TodayTix sends us as we use the site normally, and we can then perform a scrape on the recording instead of the actual website as to not violate the Terms of Service.
1. Browse TodayTix Data
Head to the TodayTix Browse & Search Feature and jump to any category, location, search filter, etc… you’re interested in scraping the data for. One the results page looks good, right click in the browser page and hit “Inspect” to open up developer tools and begin recording your web traffic.
Now refresh the page to get TodayTix to reload its data into your browser while you’re recording. You can then scroll or browse through the sites content to load more and more data into your browser that you’re now capturing.
2. Export & Download Data
Once finished, select the “Network” tab in developer tools and click the down arrow labeled “Export HAR…” to download a HAR file containing the raw JSON data that TodayTix sent to your browser. Upload that file to the HAR File Web Scraper and we’ll parse and combine together the data into groups, so you can download paginated data together into single, downloadable CSV files for use in Excel.