No-Code Apollo API Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Legally scrape Apollo data from the Official Website without violating its Terms of Service using HAR Files.

🚫 This means no wasting time with broken screen scrapers, installing software, getting blocked or overpriced proxies.

Click to Play Click to Play

⚡️ Scrape Apollo Data From Your Web Traffic

  1. Open a new browser tab, then right click anywhere inside the new tab & hit "Inspect" to open developer tools
  2. Go to in the new tab and browse through the site's data you want to collect (with developer tools open)
  3. Select the "Network" tab under developer tools & click the ⬇️ labeled "Export HAR..."
Upload your HAR file here and we will group together useful data within your HAR file FOR FREE. Users on any paid plan can download this data as combined, fully-paginated CSV & JSON files. Since this scraping occurs on a recording of your web traffic instead of the actual site, it is 100% undetectable & not governed by the hosting website's Terms of Service.

🔒 HAR Files Have Sensitive Data We only process the HAR file in your browser (nothing is sent over the internet) until you click the "Parse" button.

🚫 Clear the Junk Hit "Clear" in the Network tab just before browsing through your data for best results & for exporting multiple parts.

💡 Pro Tip Just drag and drop your HAR file here for easier use!

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated May 20, 2024

Scraping Leads from Apollo

If you need leads or market intelligence for specific companies, Apollo is a great place to start and you can sign up with a free account to browse their leads database. However, if you want to access the Apollo Search API for downloading leads from Apollo, you need to have a paid account.

However, we can legally record our web traffic as we use any free Apollo account to intercept and extract out data they send to our web browser as an alternative. Since this scraping occurs on a recording of your web traffic instead of the actual Apollo website, it’s not governed under their Terms of Service, allowing you to extract as much data as you’re legally entitled to browse on Apollo.

1. Browse Apollo Leads

Head to your Apollo account and head to any part of the app you’d like to scrape. We’ll start with the people search feature for this example. Run any search you’d like and apply filters to you can perform pagination.

Once you’re happy with the search results you want to scrape, right click on the page and hit “Inspect” to open developer tools, which will begin recording your web traffic. Now refresh the web page to force the Apollo API to re-send the data to your web browser as you’re recording it.

Open Developer Tools, Browse LeadsOpen Developer Tools, Browse Leads

To verify you’re recording data, go to the “Network” tab under developer tools and type in search under the filter field. You should see API requests as shown in the screenshot above, containing the raw JSON data used to present the leads shown on the Apollo web application.

You can paginate through as many pages as you’d like (that you’re entitled to browse based on your Apollo subscription level) with developer tools open to capture more and more leads.

2. Export a HAR File

Once you’ve browsed through enough pages of leads, click the down arrow labeled “Export HAR…” under the Network tab to download the recorded data from Apollo to your computer. Upload that file to the HAR File Web Scraper to automatically group together the paginated request data containing the leads.

Click "Parse Group" or Download Individual JSONClick "Parse Group" or Download Individual JSON

Look for the group ending in search and you’ll see a section for “Requests” below containing all of the raw data we recorded Apollo send to our web browser. You can click the blue links to download these individual JSON files to your downloads folder for free or click the “Parse Group” button to use our service to automatically combine the JSON together into downloadable CSV files.

3. Download Apollo Leads

After parsing the HAR file grouping, you’ll see the following collection called people containing one row for each lead found in the recorded JSON data. You can also browse and look for additional collections, such as work experience where each person can have more than one row.

Scraped Apollo LeadsScraped Apollo Leads

Below are the relevant columns you’ll get back from Apollo. Do not expect to get emails here, as you must use up Apollo credits to “enrich” leads if you want the email addresses.

  • Lead ID (Use for de-duplication if needed)
  • Full Name
  • Job Title
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Email Status (Verified, Unavailable, Extrapolated)
  • LinkedIn Photo URL
  • X/Twitter URL
  • GitHub URL
  • Facebook URL
  • Extrapolated Email Confidence (0 - 1)
  • LinkedIn Headline
  • City
  • State
  • Country
  • Is Likely to Engage?
  • Seniority Level
  • Company Name
  • Company Website
  • Company Angel List URL
  • Company LinkedIn URL
  • Company X/Twitter URL
  • Company Facebook URL
  • Company Phone Number
  • Company Year Founded
  • Company Stock Ticker Symbol
  • Company Stock Exchange (NYSE, Nasdaq, etc…)
  • Company Logo Image URL
  • Most Recent Employment History
  • Work Phone Number

Sign Up to Scrape Data from Apollo