No-Code Walmart API Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Legally scrape Walmart data from the Official Website without violating its Terms of Service using HAR Files.

🚫 This means no wasting time with broken screen scrapers, installing software, getting blocked or overpriced proxies.

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Or Contact Us for expert help working with Walmart data.

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated March 20, 2024

Walmart Scraper

If you need to find or track products that Walmart sells (either online or in store), then you’ve probably tried searching for a data API for Walmart. There are a few official Walmart APIs, ranging from a Walmart developer API to a Walmart affiliate API.

You can learn more about them from the Walmart Developer Portal, however we’ve found these APIs to not be developer friendly. For example, the product API to collect public data requires you to sign your requests, severely limiting the ease of which one can build a reusable client or tool. Furthermore, a lot of the other APIs require approval and are only for merchants already selling a lot of product.

We encourage you to first check the Walmart Developer Portal though in case anything has been updated, as it’s always best to use a first-party solution before seeking the alternatives we’ll outline below.

Directly Scraping Walmart Data

The easiest way to scrape data directly from Walmart is to intercept the traffic using our HAR File Web Scraping, which will extract out Walmart product data after you browse the Walmart website (this mainly just works for search results, but you can try other parts of the Walmart site):

BlueCart Unofficial API

If you need automated access to scraping Walmart Data, like if you need to periodically check a Walmart price API, then manual HAR File Scraping as mentioned above will not be a good solution. As an alternative, a separate company maintains an unofficial API you can use to collect this data, called the BlueCart API. While it is a paid API, it’s been extremely accurate and reliable from what we’ve seen so far, and encourage you to check it out!

We also provide a scraping service built around BlueCart (so you don’t need to write your own custom code to use it). You can check out our integrations at our BlueCart Walmart Data Scraper and reach out to our support here if you need us to support any more BlueCart functionality that gets added in the future!

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Or Contact Us for expert help working with Walmart data.