No-Code Searchmetrics API Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Legally scrape Searchmetrics data from the Official API for 100% accurate & legal downloads.

🚫 This means no wasting time with broken screen scrapers, installing software, getting blocked or overpriced proxies.

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Sign Up to Scrape Data from Searchmetrics' API

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated April 4, 2024

If you’re a SearchMetrics user, you may have an interest in using the Official SearchMetrics API to pull data out of your own account (e.g. get very specific & granular data back that their user interface may not support) to get a better understanding of how your website is doing or how you’ve helped a given client achieve better results. While you’re welcome to use their API directly for some very advanced use cases, we provide this integration here for SearchMetrics users that simply want to export CSV data from this API.

Scraping the API

Check out the endpoints on this page to get started (please contact us using our chat widget if you’d like us to add more endpoints) and you’ll be able to pull data from your SearchMetrics account. You will need to generate your own API key using instructions from SearchMetrics that we link to under the “Historic SEO Visibility” endpoint.

Once you generate your key, you can use it with the endpoints listed here to form your custom API queries and export as much performance data as you need. Our service will query the SearchMetrics API on your behalf, using the API key that you provide, and then automatically transform the results from their native JSON format into downloadable CSV files you can begin using right away. You can think of this as an advanced “Export” option for SearchMetrics that their native application may not provide.

You’ll be able to use any parameter that is documented in their API. If we don’t yet support a parameter or endpoint, just reach out to our support chat widget and we’ll add support for it within one business day.

⚡️ Searchmetrics Data API Endpoints

Historic SEO Visibility

Sign Up to Scrape Data from Searchmetrics' API