
How to See & Export Your YouTube Subscribers List

April 17, 2024, 5:07 p.m.

YouTube Subscribers List If you have a YouTube channel, you can see your YouTube subscribers list (who make their subscriptions public) in the YouTube Studio Dashboard, complete with channel name, profile photo, subscriber count, and even some extra fields not shown on the UI! Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to browse this information and we’ll also show you two options to export t...

Find Google Place ID from Google Maps

April 15, 2024, 5:21 p.m.

Google Place ID Finder If you’re using a Google Maps Scraper to look up place details, contact information, reviews or just need the Google Place ID for another reason, you can quickly find it from the Google Maps Place ID Finder. 1. Find the Business Head to the [Google Maps Place ID Finder](htt...

Is Turo's Car Profit Calculator Accurate?

April 11, 2024, 5:59 p.m.

Analyzing Turo’s Calculator’s Data Accuracy Successful Turo hosts need to know exactly how much they can expect their car investments to earn (or ROI) before making a vehicle purchase, making a Turo ROI calculator extremely useful for estimating future income. For this reason, Turo maintains a Carculator that allows you to input your location and budget and the calculator will estimate the expected annual earn...

Export Playlists from Spotify to Excel

March 21, 2024, 6 p.m.

Export Spotify Playlists to Excel You can export playlists from Spotify to Excel using the Official Spotify API Get Playlist Tracks Endpoint without writing any code. All you need is a free Spotify account to use the Spotify API. You can either use the API explorer on the right side of the web page linked above to download JSON track dat...

Local Content Marketing with Google My Maps

June 20, 2023, 7:53 p.m.

Google My Maps for Local Content Marketing If you haven’t heard of them yet, Google My Maps allow you to build and share custom maps and point out specific businesses, addresses & locations that are important to you. While this is typically geared towards consumers (e.g. planning a road trip), these shareable maps can be incredibly useful for local businesses as well. Also see this video on [How Realtors Can Use Google Maps To Create Custom Client Maps for......

Get Freelance Web Development Clients from Google Maps

June 20, 2023, 6:48 p.m.

Get Unlimited Clients for Your Freelance Web Development Business Google Maps offers an unlimited source of small businesses who need web development services to improve their SEO rankings & visibility within the Google Maps search rankings. Check out this video to see how you can target & reach out to these businesses as an independent freelancer or web development agency: A Numbers Game If you’re just getting started and only want to try a few outreach emails, you can follow the steps in......

Find 1,000s of Unclaimed Google My Business Listings

June 20, 2023, 5:01 p.m.

Legally Scrape Unclaimed Businesses Listings from Google Maps Finding leads for your SEO marketing agency can be difficult at first, but there’s a very easy way to find and approach local businesses with a highly relevant & targeted offer: help businesses claim their Google My Business profiles & drastically improve their SEO. Plenty of YouTube influencers and marketers advocate this method for finding new clients for their marketing agency or business, just check out our video: Automatically......

Get Local Business Clients for Your Marketing Agency

June 16, 2023, 7:18 p.m.

Google Maps Lead Generation for Marketing Agencies Every local small business is on Google Maps (whether they like it or not), and this can be a goldmine for anyone looking to do outreach to these local businesses. This is especially true for marketing agencies looking to pitch their services to relevant businesses within their target market. E.g. many older… er… more established… businesses don’t even have a Google My Business profile set up - and they are not being found in local searches.......

Find Unlimited Leads for Your Facebook Ads SMMA

June 16, 2023, 6:46 p.m.

Get New Clients for Your Facebook Ads Agency If you run a Facebook Ads agency, there’s no better way to generate new clients for your SMMA than to look for people who are already running Facebook Ads. And good news - there’s a centralized database you can use for free to see who’s running Facebook ads in any niche anywhere in the world with the Facebook Ads Library! Type in any keyword that your SMMA specializes in, like “used car,” and select your target location (e.g. the United States) and......

Earn More with YouTube Ads Video Placement Targeting

June 16, 2023, 5:26 p.m.

Why Every YouTube Advertiser Needs Video Placement Targeting Although Google removed the ability to target specific YouTube placements in conversion-based Video Ad Campaigns (e.g. Video Action Campaigns with Smart Bidding), it’s still possible to run placement targeting on both Manual CPV and Target CPM based campaigns. Although these 2 campaign types may not be “smart,” they can make your business much “smarter” by exposing video-level performance insights that you simply cannot get with......

How to Get Your Spotify Client ID & API Access Token

Sept. 1, 2022, 6:45 p.m.

Spotify Client ID, Secret & API Token In order to make API calls with the Spotify Web API with our Spotify Data Scraper (or similar Spotify client), you’ll need to obtain & provide a Spotify API Access Token from the Spotify developer dashboard. And in order to get a Spotify API Token, you’ll need your Client ID and Client Secret, which you can find in the Developer Dashboard. In this article, we’ll show you how to obtain these values and then exchange them for an API Token. 1. Log i...

Hidden Google Ads Performance Max Reporting

Feb. 25, 2022, 3:10 p.m.

Google Ads Performance Max has been a great addition to our marketing strategy at Stevesie Data, especially for capturing new leads from search ads. The performance so far has exceeded anything we’ve previously seen possible on Google Ads for a cold audience, after spending years testing Search Ads, YouTube Ads & Display Ads. Oh, and Performance Max completely blows away anything we’ve ever seen while using Facebook Ads (we’ve completely removed our ad spend efforts there as they never worked......

Scrape Netflix Most Watched Shows & Movies Data

Nov. 22, 2021, 6:47 p.m.

UPDATE: Just scroll to the bottom of the Netflix Top 10 Page and you can download the raw data. There’s no need to do all of this! On November 16, 2021 Netflix launched a new website reporting its top 10 titles that you can access at Netflix Top 10 Page. This is big news - as many people wish that Netflix would restore its official Data API to scrape popular movies, shows, trends and related viewership data from. Netflix thus far has refu...

How to Get a Twitter API Key Right Now (No Approval Needed)

Nov. 17, 2021, 5:45 p.m.

For many years the Twitter API remained “approval-only” where developers had to apply for access to obtain a Twitter API Key, then wait a few days (or weeks) and hope Twitter would approve them. But on November 15th, 2021 this all changed for the better with Twitter Ushering in a new era for the Twitter Developer Platform and launching “Essential” access to their API with no approval needed. We’ll show you how...

🍿 Visualizing Netflix Catalog Data from Guidebox

March 20, 2020, 1:11 p.m.

UPDATE: As of 9/21/2022, Guidebox appears to no longer be in service, so we are leaving this article here as-is for historical reference. This article will walk you through how to visualize data from the Guidebox Data API. Data Visualization Let’s start with visualizing the movies - you’ll first want to read all Netflix movies into a Pandas dataframe for analysis. import pandas as pd import numpy as np movies_df = pd.read_csv('~/Desktop/all_netflix_movies.csv') Now let’s see how the release......

⚖️ Is Data Scraping Legal?

March 17, 2020, 10:24 p.m.

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer - I just know a lot about data scraping after onboarding hundreds of clients onto Stevesie Data as the founder. The following are general guidelines I’ve seen in industry for what constitutes responsible data scraping practices. Nothing in this article guarantees that what you are doing is legal nor illegal to any extent. This is not legal advice! Data Scraping in Industry If data scraping were illegal, we would not have Google. Search engines like Google, Bing &......

Get Your "YouTube Access Token" Without the Headache

July 30, 2019, 12:49 a.m.

When using the YouTube Data API to scrape non-public YouTube data (like subscribers), you’ll be prompted for a YouTube Access Token to verify that you are who you say you are - and have the right to access the data you’re requesting (e.g. a subscriber list that is only available to the YouTube channel owner). While you’re welcome to spend 9 hours reading up on Google APIs OAuth 2.0 protocols, scopes, grants, and oh so much more - if you simply need to use the YouTube Data API to downlo...

How to Get a YouTube API Key

July 30, 2019, 12:27 a.m.

Getting a YouTube API Key If you’re using the YouTube Data API to scrape public YouTube data (like comments, video statistics, search results, etc…), then you’ll need a YouTube API Key in order to make API requests and scrape the YouTube content you need. We’ll walk you through how to create a new YouTube API Key (all you need is a Google Account), how to secure it, and how to access it in the future. Either read the steps below, or watch the above video to get started. 1. Head to the G...

Machine Learning Image Popularity

Feb. 6, 2019, 5:48 a.m.

What makes people click, like & share online images? Is it the colors, composition, contrast, tones or something else? In this post, we’ll walk through developing an algorithm to predict whether or not an image is popular on GrubHub with 65% accuracy. Part 1 - Getting Training Image Data In this exercise, we’ll keep things simple and focus on predicting whether or not an image’s click through rate will exceed a certain percent or not. Ideally, we’d like to train our system on images with a......