« Google Maps Data Scraper

Find Google Place ID from Google Maps

Sign Up to Scrape Google Maps Data

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated April 15, 2024

Google Place ID Finder

If you’re using a Google Maps Scraper to look up place details, contact information, reviews or just need the Google Place ID for another reason, you can quickly find it from the Google Maps Place ID Finder.

Find Any Place ID from Google Maps

1. Find the Business

Head to the Google Maps Place ID Finder and scroll down to the map section. The link should jump you right to the interactive map.

Search by Business Name & Location

Enter any free text search to locate the business & location you need the Place ID of.

To save time, just type in “[business name] [location]” so you don’t need to pan the map to the location first, just type in what you need (regardless of wherever the map is initialized) and Google’s magic will find it and automatically pan & jump the map to the correct location.

Non-Business Place IDs

This will also work for general cities, states or even ZIP codes (e.g. try typing in “New York”) if you need to get the coordinates of a specific location or postal code from the Google Maps API using Place ID (see section 3 on how to use Place IDs to look up details).

2. Copy the Place ID

Select the result you want from Google’s auto-suggest and then just copy the Place ID value from the pop over on the Google Maps screen.

Copy the Place ID from Results

The Place ID will be a long series of letters and numbers. The Place ID from our example is ChIJvUdRyzDEyIARhA3R2cXH8oI which will be a constant string and can be used as a durable identifier to this business (even if it changes its location or name).

3. Scrape Place Details

You can then enter the Place ID into our Google Maps Place Details Scraper to query the official Google Maps API and extract out information about the business, including address, phone number, hours, recent reviews, website, coordinates and much more.

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