« Google Maps Places Data Scraper

Google Maps API Scale SERP Results Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated March 31, 2022

Download Google Maps Places from Scale SERP

If you need to scrape a large number of businesses from a local area, then the Scale SERP Google Maps Places Search service will help you do this, exposing an easy to use API around the Google Maps Places Search feature. The main benefit of using Scale SERP over the official Google Maps API is that Scale SERP will return as many results per search as are shown on the public Google Maps website (e.g. hundreds of results), compared to the 60 results per search limit that the Google Maps API imposes.

Another benefit that this endpoint offers is the ability to enter a location in free text, as the official Google Maps API requires using coordinates which can be a bit cumbersome and difficult to work with. So with this endpoint, you can simply enter the name of a city, municipality or state to get results. However, if you try entering a large country like “United States,” don’t expect to get ALL results back at a time as Google will likely cut it off after a few hundred.

If you really need to perform a deep crawl in a country, then you’ll want to generate a list of cities within the country, perform a search for each city, and then combine the results together. Our workflow scraping service offers an automated solution to do this for you, as we will query the Scale SERP API on your behalf, parse out the results, and then make them downloadable as CSV files for fast & easy consumption in tools like Excel.