No-Code Zillow API Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Legally scrape Zillow data from the Official Website without violating its Terms of Service using HAR Files.

🚫 This means no wasting time with broken screen scrapers, installing software, getting blocked or overpriced proxies.

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⚡️ Scrape Zillow Data From Your Web Traffic

  1. Open a new browser tab, then right click anywhere inside the new tab & hit "Inspect" to open developer tools
  2. Go to in the new tab and browse through the site's data you want to collect (with developer tools open)
  3. Select the "Network" tab under developer tools & click the ⬇️ labeled "Export HAR..."
Upload your HAR file here and we will group together useful data within your HAR file FOR FREE. Users on any paid plan can download this data as combined, fully-paginated CSV & JSON files. Since this scraping occurs on a recording of your web traffic instead of the actual site, it is 100% undetectable & not governed by the hosting website's Terms of Service.

🔒 HAR Files Have Sensitive Data We only process the HAR file in your browser (nothing is sent over the internet) until you click the "Parse" button.

🚫 Clear the Junk Hit "Clear" in the Network tab just before browsing through your data for best results & for exporting multiple parts.

💡 Pro Tip Just drag and drop your HAR file here for easier use!

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated May 15, 2024

Scraping Zillow API Data

Can you export data from Zillow to Excel? Yes! And we offer the only 100% legal way to export Zillow data to Excel directly from the Zillow website without being detected or banned using a little-known method using HAR files & our Zillow data exporter.

100% Legal Zillow Scraping100% Legal Zillow Scraping

This will let you extract Zillow listings complete with address, availability, time on market & pricing information into Excel for your own market research or outreach campaigns in only a few minutes with our Zillow web scraper.

You can even be logged in to your personal Zillow account and extract real estate data from their data APIs based on your account & preferences, as our scraping approach is undetectable and will never risk getting your Zillow account banned.

1. Browse Zillow Listings

Head to the Zillow Website and enter any location you want to scrape the housing data from. You can apply any filters you want (e.g. only show homes for sale, rent, foreclosures, etc…) to configure your Zillow data extraction.

Once the page loads, right click on the screen and hit “Inspect” to open up developer tools to begin recording your web traffic for scraping Zillow data. Refresh the page to reload the housing data now that you’re recording and your browser should look like this:

Open Developer Tools and Browse Zillow ListingsOpen Developer Tools and Browse Zillow Listings

To scrape as many listings as possible, try panning around the map and zooming in and out. You can also scroll down on the listings and keep clicking the next button. This will get Zillow to load more JSON data payloads into your browser which you’re now recording, so the more data you get from Zillow the more you’ll be able to scrape.

2. Export a HAR File

Once you you’ve scrolled through enough Zillow listings, select the Network tab under developer tools and click the down arrow labeled “Export HAR…” to download the recorded Zillow listings data as a HAR file.

Upload this to the HAR File Web Scraper and look for a group of requests labeled /search/GetSearchPageState.htm or /async-create-search-page-state as below.

Click Parse Group to Extract Zillow DataClick Parse Group to Extract Zillow Data

If you don’t see the group in the HAR file parse page as shown above, you’ll need to go back and re-generate a new HAR file. Make sure that you scroll through the map and results AFTER opening up developer tools, this way you can be sure you capture the data after you begin the recording session.

3. Download Zillow Data

After clicking “Parse Group” you can download the Zillow search results as a CSV file. It should be the first result - just click “Download CSV” and you’ll have the data as a CSV file you can then open in Excel or any spreadsheet program for detailed analysis.

Download Zillow DataDownload Zillow Data

You’ll get back a row for each listing. Be sure to check for duplicates as you will most likely want to de-duplicate by the detailUrl column to make sure you get unique results. You can also use this column to find the public URL of any Zillow listing.

Property Information

Scraping property information from Zillow will be limited to the data presented on the public search results page. You’ll also get back the following columns which should be useful in your analysis (note we cannot tell you exactly what these are since this is an unofficial API). Also, please note that these columns will vary if you’re searching for rentals vs. homes for sale, so these may not appear exactly in your CSV file depending on your exact scraping approach.

  • buildingId - This appears to be an identifier for each building, but is also just the latitude and longitude coordinates of the building combined together with a -
  • price - The monthly rental price or price to buy
  • minBeds - Most likely the number of bedrooms in the property
  • minBaths - Most likely the number of bathrooms in the property
  • minArea - Most likely the square footage of the property
  • imgSrc - A link to an image of the listing
  • buildingName - Name of the building
  • address - Mailing address with street and city, but no zip code
  • detailUrl - Explained earlier, used to get the public URL of the listing
  • has3DModel - If the listing offers a 3D model
  • latLong.latitude - Latitude of the listing
  • latLong.longitude - Longitude of the listing
  • hdpData.homeInfo.daysOnZillow - Number of days the listing has been on Zillow
  • hdpData.homeInfo.rentZestimate - Zestimate value of the listing

Analyze Only the Zillow Data Fields You NeedAnalyze Only the Zillow Data Fields You Need

Depending on your business needs, you can ignore some columns and use others. The easiest way to get started is to simply open up the CSV in Excel or Google Sheets and look for the columns that will be of interest to you.

Property Details

The method outlined above to legally export Zillow data is mainly useful for scraping search results from the website, as it’s an easy way to extract data from Zillow for hundreds of listings in only a few minutes. The details you’ll see for each property will be limited to what Zillow returns in its search results response as outlined above.

Individual Property InformationIndividual Property Information

If you need to pull data from Zillow for more comprehensive information on each individual listing, then you can use the detailUrl column for each listing and just prepend to that value and open up the full details for each Zillow page. E.g. if this value is /b/wynd-27-wynd-28-miami-fl-9QD6KF/, then the public Zillow URL would be:

At this point, you may have a list of 100s or more of these properties to extract data from - and scraping Zillow will probably be extremely tempting at this point. While we can’t legally suggest you do this, depending on your coding skills, you may want to look into building a crawler that can go after the specific fields you need for this list of URLs.

Another option is to simply outsource the work - e.g. if you have a list of 500 properties from search results, you can divide the work into 10 lists of 50 and give that to 10 virtual assistants to manually record the data you need for each page. This too is a safer legal alternative to Zillow web scraping these individual pages.

Why Scrape Zillow?

Real estate professionals using Zillow data for market analytics have the competitive edge when it comes to buying, selling or flipping homes. While many traditional real estate databases have been around for decades, Zillow data offers a far more holistic view of any real estate market due to its public & open nature and Zillow scraping allows you to tap into this wealth of information.

Download Zillow DataDownload Zillow Data

Not only is Zillow one of the largest real estate websites in existence, but the real estate listings data on its website offers valuable insights into property information unavailable elsewhere, such as price trends & Zestimate pricing.

Real Estate Investing

When looking to grow your real estate business, investing in the right properties makes all the difference. Zillow properties are unique in that their property listings come with a Zestimate score you can use to compare the sale price with, leveraging Zillow’s data to find undervalued properties.

Use Public Zillow Data to Drive Investment DecisionsUse Public Zillow Data to Drive Investment Decisions

While such estimates from Zillow are far from perfect, when combined with your own intuition & business knowledge, harvesting and using this data from Zillow can help grow your business faster than your competitors.

Grow Your Real Estate PortfolioGrow Your Real Estate Portfolio

One specific example would be finding pre-foreclosure properties on Zillow to purchase before they actually enter the legal foreclosure process. You can use Zillow search results to find these properties, and to do this at scale we can scrape data from Zillow for our own analysis, per the following video.

Click to Play Click to Play

Contacting Real Estate Agents

In addition to the property details mentioned above, the individual Zillow listings will contain data about realtors you can get in touch with to purchase the property. While web scraping Zillow could technically get you details about each agent, you’ll have a tough time automating your outreach, as many agents need to be contacted directly through Zillow.

Real Estate Agent OutreachReal Estate Agent Outreach

This is another example of why fully automated data scraping may not be a good idea, as you may be tempted to spam or abuse the Zillow platform into sending unsolicited messages that will likely get you blocked or banned.

Instead, you may want to simply visit each property listing manually and use the scraped data from the search results to prioritize your outreach. While data can help with your outreach, at the end of the day it’s still a human-to-human interaction that can only be automated so far.

The HAR file web scraping approach we outlined above is completely legal as the scraping occurs on a recording of Zillow’s web traffic to your browser, which can be acquired while obeying Zillow’s Terms of Service (e.g. you’re just using their website normally and happen to be recording your web traffic).

Collect Zillow Search Results Data LegallyCollect Zillow Search Results Data Legally

However, there are many other illegal screen scrapers out there that promise to scrape Zillow data but will typically just end up wasting your time. Furthermore, there is a highly restrictive official Zillow API that is available we’d like to make you aware of, however odds are you will not be able to get access to it.

Official Zillow API

The Zillow group maintains an API you can use to officially use to extract data from Zillow through their subsidiary Bridge Interactive, however you must apply for access (which usually means enterprise pricing). If you’re a large real estate business with the budget, then check out the Zillow API and see if you can work with it.

Zillow Terms of Service

If you’re not able to use Zillow’s official API, then your next option is to scrape Zillow using an illegal tool. However, the Zillow Terms of Service explicitly forbid “conduct[ing] automated queries (including screen and database scraping, spiders, robots, crawlers, bypassing “captcha” or similar precautions, or any other automated activity with the purpose of obtaining information from the Services) on the Services.”

It's Illegal for 3rd Parties to Help You Violate TermsIt's Illegal for 3rd Parties to Help You Violate Terms

While it’s not illegal to violate Zillow’s terms, if they catch you doing so they can ban your account and/or block your IP address. Furthermore, if you use a third party to help you violate Zillow’s terms, such as a Zillow data scraper, the provider of that service is breaking the law (see Tortious Interference) and likely to get sued and/or shut down.

Illegal Screen Scrapers

While we can’t legally suggest using a service to violate Zillow’s terms and scrape data, we can offer an overview of the typical tools you’ll find and explain why even the best Zillow scraper is not only illegal, but generally just doesn’t work.

Browser Add-Ons

A few companies offer browser plugins (usually for Chrome) that you install into your browser and they promise to scrape Zillow on your behalf.

The biggest issue with these data scraping plugins is that they have the ability to “hijack” your browser and control its activity (e.g. clicking and scrolling in an automated fashion), which will stem from your IP address and Zillow account if logged in.

Scraping Browser Plugins Expose Your IdentityScraping Browser Plugins Expose Your Identity

Zillow has plenty of anti-scraping techniques it uses to prevent this type of automated access, so you jeopardize getting blocked or banned from Zillow if detected.

Furthermore, these plugins attempt to download data from Zillow HTML code hosted on Zillow’s web pages, which is constantly changing and shifting around. This usually results in missing or incorrect data from Zillow, which can be fatal for your business if using the wrong property prices.

Web Scraping

The other set of tools will live on server farms (or you can run through proxies) and make automated requests to Zillow (often making HTTP requests with a fake user agent to trick Zillow) and download HTML files that are then parsed to find extracted data.

Automated Data Scraping can be InaccurateAutomated Data Scraping can be Inaccurate

As mentioned with browser plugins, this method of scraping data from HTML pages is extremely error prone since Zillow is subject to shift around how it presents data at any time, for example on its property page data fields.

However, if you have the coding skills, patience and risk tolerance to build or use your own Zillow scraper, you’re free to do so but we can’t legally recommend it!

Sign Up to Scrape Data from Zillow