« Spotify Tracks Data Scraper

Spotify API Track Search Results Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated March 31, 2022

Download Spotify Tracks Data

Tracks (usually music tracks or podcast episodes) are arguably the most important part of Spotify and the main focus for anyone looking to scrape Spotify data. If you don’t have a particular artist, playlist or album in mind that you want to scrape track data for, then you may want to consider scraping Spotify tracks by search results, which this article will go into.

Using the form above, you can enter any search term (e.g. a song name, artist, podcast episode), and we will query the Spotify API on your behalf (you just need to provide your Spotify API key, which is free and easy to get), and then parse out the results into downloadable CSV files you can use for analysis in Excel or any analysis tool of your choice.

You’ll get back basic information about tracks in the results, like name, list of artists, duration, and popularity score. Unfortunately the Spotify API does not reveal the total play count for each track, but instead shows a relative popularity score which takes the total playcount into consideration as well as how popular the track has been performing recently. This helps newer releases that may still be racking up plays receive a high score, compared to older tracks that have a lot of plays but may not be popular at the moment.

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