« TikTok Data Scraper

TikTok API Comments Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated May 20, 2024

TikTok Comment Scraper

If you need to quickly scrape the TikTok comments for a single post (or list of posts) into an Excel file, you can use our TikTok comment exporter to legally download this data from your web browser.

Download TikTok Comment Text

Our service works with HAR files to offer a 100% legal and undetectable way for you to export the comments of any TikToker without getting blocked or wasting time with broken web scrapers.

Read on to extract the comments for any TikTok video or just watch the video above to begin leveraging this social media data.

1. Browse TikTok Comments

Open any TikTok Video in your web browser (Google Chrome preferred), right click and select “Inspect” to open developer tools (this will begin recording the comment data TikTok sends to you):

Right Click Inspect

Now with developer tools open, refresh the page to load in the comments again while recording. Then scroll down and keep scrolling until you reach the end (or you get enough comments).

Scroll Through Comments While Recording

Your browser may get unresponsive after a few thousand comments, so you may be limited based on this factor for your data retrieval.

2. Export a HAR File

Once you’re done scrolling, click the “Export HAR…” button under the Network Tab in Developer Tools:

Click Export HAR...

Upload the file to the HAR File Web Scraper and then find the group labeled with /api/comment/list/ - click the Parse Group there:

Click Parse for /api/comment/list/

3. Download TikTok Comments

You’ll then see the comments under the comments collection containing the extracted TikTok content of each comment, along with a lot of metadata about the users, comments, replies, user ID, etc…

Scraped TikTok Comments

Automated Scraping

If you need to automatically scrape TikTok comments, you may want to consider TikAPI, which is an unofficial API for TikTok. We have no affiliation with this service, but verified it was able to work in 2022.

The downside of using TikAPI for comment scraping is that you must provide an authenticated user to their API, which is a bit complicated and also puts the account provided at risk of getting banned from TikTok.

To use the following endpoints, you’ll need to supply an AccountKey in addition to your standard TikAPI key. You can see How to get an Account Key from the TikAPI for more information, but it is a bit complex and cumbersome.

You also need to provide a Video ID to TikAPI, which you can obtain from the TikTok video link URL.

Scraping Video Comments

Check out the Get Video Comments List Endpoint to scrape the comments for any particular video. You’ll be able to fetch 30 at a time and paginate using their API via the cursor variable.

Scraping Comment Replies

TikAPI also supports programmatically fetching comment replies from the Get Comment Reply List Endpoint for any individual comment. You need to supply both the video ID and parent comment ID, then the endpoint will return 30 replies at a time and also offer pagination.