🔥 Reveal Tinder Photo Success Rates

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated Oct. 27, 2018

When Tinder released Smart Photos, a feature that tests your photos to increase matches, they also released an API endpoint with some very interesting data, notably “Success Rate” for each of your photos - also returning this data back in the response from the Tinder profile endpoint. You’ll notice it send back a successRate for some (or all) of your photos if you have the feature enabled.

Exactly what successRate represents is a mystery, but one would guess that a higher number means a photo is more successful in being liked. As of this post, my main photo featured below has a success rate of 0.04081632653061224. If we assume this means 4%, then this mean only 4% of women find this photo attractive enough to swipe right? That’s a low number!

The response also contains a field called photo_optimizer_has_result that is false for my account. This probably means that Tinder hasn’t tested all of my photos yet, as I only see the success rate for my first photo. Results may vary with your account.