No-Code Petfinder API Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Legally scrape Petfinder data from the Official API for 100% accurate & legal downloads.

🚫 This means no wasting time with broken screen scrapers, installing software, getting blocked or overpriced proxies.

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Sign Up to Scrape Data from Petfinder's API

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated April 13, 2024

Scraping the Petfinder API

If you’re building an app or doing some research and need data about animals up for adoption, then look no further than Petfinder’s Official API, which allows you to easily access all of Petfinder’s public data that’s available through its website. You can use the API to form searches for pets within a single location and collect back a rich amount of data for each animal, including photos and details about the adoption (e.g. where the pet is available, how long they’ve been up for adoption, etc…).

Animal Adoption Agencies

The “Animals” API endpoint will also return contact information for the organization listing the animal as adoptable. If you run an animal shelter or related service, this contact and organization data can prove useful for performing relevant outreach or just general market research on which animals are up for adoption and where.

Why Scrape Petfinder

If you’re building your own application and need real time or interactive access to the adoption data, then you can use the Petfinder API directly. For example, you can build a local map application that augments results with pets that are available locally using the JSON data that the Petfinder API sends back.

However, if you’re doing a more analytical project and need the Petfinder data in a fixed format, like a CSV file for analyzing in Excel, then our service can help you do this without having to write or maintain any code. Our service will query Petfinder’s API on your behalf (you need to provide your Petfinder API key), and parse out the raw JSON responses into downloadable CSV files you can immediately download and begin using.

⚙️ Workflows

⚡️ Petfinder Data API Endpoints


Sign Up to Scrape Data from Petfinder's API