No-Code OfferUp API Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Legally scrape OfferUp data from the Official Website without violating its Terms of Service using HAR Files.

🚫 This means no wasting time with broken screen scrapers, installing software, getting blocked or overpriced proxies.

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Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated March 20, 2024

Download OfferUp Local Deals Data

Legally scrape the Offerup Product & Search Directory using our HAR file web scraper. To get started, simply begin recording your network web traffic per the HAR File Web Scraper instructions on this page. You just need to open up your browser’s developer console, then visit the OfferUp website linked above. Begin browsing (or searching) for the products you want to scrape. You can click on filters and other features, just do whatever you need so that OfferUp keeps sending new data into your browser with the products & deals you want to scrape. As OfferUp keeps sending raw JSON data into your browser, we’ll be recording this via developer tools and extract this out at a later step.

When you’re done browsing around, you want to export a HAR file under the developer tools “Network” tab. This file will contain all of the JSON data OfferUp sent to your browser, the trick now is getting the data out of this file in a usable format. This is where our service comes in - you can upload your HAR file here and we’ll parse it out and allow you to download CSV files containing “collections” based on the JSON that OfferUp sent to your browser. The files will just contain the basic data that shows up on the OfferUp search result pages, which will typically be a link to the image, basic product name and description as well as the price. Don’t expect to be able to scrape product details or seller contact information using this method, as this data does not appear on the public search results page.

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