No-Code Etsy API Scraper

Download Data to Excel & CSV Files

Legally scrape Etsy data from the Official API for 100% accurate & legal downloads.

🚫 This means no wasting time with broken screen scrapers, installing software, getting blocked or overpriced proxies.

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Sign Up to Scrape Data from Etsy's API

Steve Spagnola
Written by Steve Spagnola
Last updated April 18, 2024

Scraping the Etsy API

If you need an Etsy dataset for e-commerce or market research, we’ll show you how to scrape product, shop, review data & much more legally from the Etsy API.

Scrape Etsy Product Data to Excel Spreadsheets

1. Get an Etsy API Key

The most challenging step in scraping Etsy data will be obtaining an Etsy API key, as you must apply for one and wait a few days - so start now!

Simply log in to your Etsy account and follow the link to your Etsy Developer Apps and create a new application.

When filling out the application form, do not put “Etsy” in the name of your app as it will get rejected. You’ll also need to provide a website - if you’re an Etsy seller you can usually just provide the URL to your store.

If your app still isn’t approved after a few days, you may want to reach out Etsy Developer Support to nudge them. Once it’s approved your API key will be under the “keystring” field:

Copy Your Keystring or Etsy API Key

One way to get started is to use our Etsy Shop Search Results Scraper to find shops relevant to your business needs. What’s nice about shop-level data is that you can see the number of sales for each shop in the transaction_sold_count column.

Scrape Shop Search Results

You’ll also see some other interesting columns for shops as well, such as free shipping & refund policies.

3. Download Product Data

Once you find a shop you’re interested in, you can use our Etsy Shop Product Listings Scraper to scrape Etsy product data for the shop’s listings.

Scrape Shop Product Listings

This can be great to understand what types of products are selling well for a given shop using popularity metrics the Etsy API surfaces like view counts & inventory quantity. Unfortunately Etsy does not report the number of transactions sold at the product level, only the shop level.

You can browse the other Etsy endpoints & scraping tools on this page and give them a try to scrape search results or use workflows like the Etsy Product Details Workflow to bulk scrape the details of a large list of Etsy products you’re interested in.

Unlike Etsy web scraping tools (that attempt to illegally scrape this data from Etsy’s web pages, against the Etsy Terms of Service), our API scraping service will pull data directly from the official Etsy API, which is guaranteed to return accurate data all the time, without the headache. You will also never need to worry about getting banned due to using a web scraper or purchasing overpriced proxy servers typically needed to screen scrape Etsy.

⚡️ Etsy Data API Endpoints

Product Listing Details
Product Listings Search
Shop Search
Product Categories
Shop Details
/v3/application/shops/{{ shop_id }}
Shop Listings
Shop Reviews

Sign Up to Scrape Data from Etsy's API